Linux & Unix
Boardgames & RPG
RPG Stuff
Will of the 7
- wiki for the last D&D campaign I played in.
RPG Accessories
- useful things to put in your gaming bag
D66 Tips and Stats
- useful resources for using d66
- you can never have enough dice
D&D Resources
- useful things for your D&D game
FATE Resources
- resources for FATE core and FUDGE games
Inventory Squares
- a simple sheet for inventory / notes.
Game Master Resources
- a bunch of useful resources for game runners
Arcane Trickster Spell Sheet
- an alternative D&D spell sheet for Arcane Trickster
Tabletop Things
PDF Movement Tray
- printable movement trays for WFB or KoW
Frostgrave Resources
- bunch of resources for Frostgrave
Frostgrave Soldier Reference
- quick reference chart for hiring Frostgrave soldiers
Malifaux Resources
- a list of Malifaux resources
MECCG Card Proxies
- printable cards proxies for MECCG
MECCG Deck Builder
- build and print your own meccg deck
MECCG Deck List
- card list for all challenge decks
MECCG Resources
- resources for Middle Earth Collectible Card Game
Modeling Tools
- my favorite modeling/painting tools
MTG Resources
- bunch of useful resources for Magic the Gathering
MTG Proxy Tokens
- printable token cards for Magic the Gathering
Wargaming Tools
- useful wargaming tools and gadgets
Warmahordes Resources
- useful tokens, templates and accessories you can buy
Warmahordes Printables
- useful tokens and templates you can print
Warmaster Resources
- bunch of useful Warmaster resources
WFB Army List
- my army list spreadsheet
WFB Template Placement
- optimal template placement in WFB
WFB Resources
- bunch of useful Warhammer Fantasy resources
WFB Tokens
- printable tokens for Warhammer Fantasy 8th Ed
X-Wing Resources
- bunch of useful resources for Fantasy Flight X-Wing game
Game Dev Stuff
1337 H4X
- fast paced card game about hacker stuff