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A card list for all 10 MECCG challenge decks formatted for use with the deckbuilder. Feel free to use as is, or modify mixing and matching different cards.

Deck List

Wizard decks:

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Challenge Deck A (Saruman)

With Saruman’s deck, Glorfindel and a group of Hobbits travel into the civilized confines of Gondor, south of the White Mountains, to rally mannish factions against Sauron’s hosts. The deck relies heavily on attack avoidance. The hazards mix is a pure Orc/Troll strategy.

Starting Company:
1 Adrazar
1 Horn of Anor
1 Fatty Bolger
1 Cram
1 Glorfindel II
1 Sam Gamgee
3 Saruman
1 Balin
1 Haldir
1 Ioreth
1 Peath
1 Theoden
Hazard Creatures:
1 BertBurat
3 Hobgoblins
1 Little Snuffler
1 Orc Guard
3 Orc Lieutenant
2 Orc Warband
3 Orc Watch
1 Tom Tuma
1 William Wuluag
Hazard Events:
2 Alone And Unadvised
2 An Unexpected Outpost
1 Choking Shadows
3 Doors Of Night
3 Minions Stir
2 Twilight
1 Two Or Three Tribes Present
MP Resources:
1 Glamdring
2 Hauberk Of Bright Mail
1 Knights of Dol Amroth
1 Men of Anfalas
1 Men of Anorien
1 Men of Lebennin
1 Palantir of Orthanc
1 Rangers of Ithilien
1 Sapling of the White Tree
1 Scroll of Isildur
1 Treebeard
Other Resources:
1 And Forth He Hastened
3 Concealment
2 Dark Quarrels
2 Dodge
1 Great Ship
2 Halfling Strength
2 Marvels Told
1 Smoke Rings
3 Stealth
1 Dol Amroth
1 Edhellond
1 Edoras
1 Glittering Caves
1 Henneth Annun
1 Isengard
1 Isle of the Ulond
1 Lond Galen
1 Lorien
1 Minas Tirith
1 Moria
1 Pelargir
1 Rivendell
1 Tolfalas
1 Wellinghall
1 Alatar
1 Align Palantir
1 Many Turns and Doublings
2 Promptings of Wisdom
1 Rebuild the Town
1 Riders of Rohan
1 The White Tree
1 Vanishment
1 Wizards Laughter
1 Wizard Uncloaked
1 Call of Home
1 Earcaraxe Ahunt
1 Incite Defenders
3 Muster Disperses
2 Rebel Talk
1 Twilight

Sarting Companies (2) at Rivendell:

  • Glorfindel II controls Anborn.
  • Fatty, Sam, and Adrazar form the second company. Fatty has Cram and Adrazar has Horn of Anor

Challenge Deck B (Alatar)

Elrond leads Alatar’s companies into the Orc-holds of the mountains surrounding Rivendell. Their errand is to rescue Free People captives and recover stolen items. Gates of Morning and strong warriors see them through. The hazards feature a classic mix of corruption with Undead.

Starting Company:
1 Elladan
1 Erkenbrand
1 Orophin
1 Elrond
1 Cram
1 Shield of Iron Bound Ash
Other Characters:
1 Beretar
1 Bofur
1 Elrohir
1 Gildor Inglorion
1 Haldir
1 Balin
3 Alatar
3 Alone and Unadvised
3 Chill Douser
3 Corpse Candle
1 Covetous Thoughts
1 Dragon Sickness
3 Lure of Expedience
3 Lure of Nature
2 Stirring Bones
3 The Moon Is Dead
2 Twilight
3 Barrow Wight
3 Slayer
1 Book of Mazarbul
1 Crown of Flowers
1 Dark Quarrels
2 Dodge
3 Gates of Morning
3 Many Turns and Doublings
1 Orcrist
1 Rangers of the North
3 Rescue Prisoners
3 Risky Blow
1 Safe from the Shadow
1 Sword of Gondolin
2 The Cock Crows
1 The Windlord Found Me
1 Escape
1 Goldberry
1 Gollum
1 Muster
1 Scroll of Isildur
1 Vilya
1 Barrow Downs
1 Blue Mountain Dwarf Hold
1 Bree
1 Carn Dum
1 Goblin Gate
1 Grey Havens
1 Isengard
1 Lossadan Cairn
1 Lorien
1 Moria
1 Mount Gram
1 Mount Gundabad
1 Old Forest
1 Rivendell
1 Zarak Dum
1 Twilight
1 Ambusher
2 Corsairs of Umbar
2 Foolish Words
2 Ghosts
1 Seized by Terror
1 The Rings Betrayal
1 Veils Flung Away
2 Dark Quarrels
1 The Cock Crows
1 Blue Mountain Dwarves
1 Forewarned Is Forearmed
1 Great Shield of Rohan
1 Marvels Told
1 Promptings of Wisdom

Starting Company (1) at Rivendell:

  • Elrond controls Elladan. Erkenbrand controls Orophin. Elrond has Cram and Erkenbrand has Shield of Iron-bound Ash. If you have multiple site-tapping resources in your initial draw, consider starting them as 2 companies: Elrond and Elladan, Erkenbrand and Orophin.

Challenge Deck C (Palando)

With the prompting of Pallando, Thorin II leads a company of Dwarves into the Dragon lairs and Shadow- holds east of the Misty Mountains in a quest for their people. The Dwarves operate with 3 good mix of fighting enhancement and attack avoidance. The hazards are Animals and Wolves.

Starting Company:
1 Dori
1 Gloin
1 Kili
1 Thorin II
1 Oin
2 Cram
Other Characters:
1 Balin
1 Boromir II
1 Celeborn
1 Fili
1 Gildor Inglorion
3 Pallando
3 Cave Worm
3 Despair of the Heart
3 Full of Froth and Rage
3 Giant Spiders
3 Lesser Spiders
2 Neeker Breekers
2 River
2 Seized by Terror
2 Twilight
2 Wake of War
2 Wargs
3 Watcher in the Water
2 A Friend or Three
1 Book of Mazarbul
1 Bounty of the Hoard
1 Bow of Dragon Horn
3 Concealment
1 Durins Axe
1 Enruned Shield
2 Fellowship
1 Gollum
1 Great Road
1 Hauberk of Bright Mail
1 Hundreds of Butterflies
1 Iron Hill Dwarves
1 Lucky Search
1 Magical Harp
1 Marvels Told
1 Men of Dorwinion
1 Men of Dorwinion
2 Not at Home
1 Quickbeam
1 Risky Blow
1 Smoke Rings
2 The Dwarves Are upon You
1 Thrors Map
1 Wormsbane
1 Blue Mountain Dwarf Hold
1 Buhr Widu
1 Caves of Ulund
1 Dead Marshes
1 Goblin Gate
1 Grey Havens
1 Iron Hill Dwarf Hold
1 Lorien
1 Moria
1 Ovir Hollow
1 Rivendell
1 Sarn Goriwing
1 Shrel Kain
1 The Lonely Mountain
1 Wellinghall
1 Twilight
2 Covetous Thoughts
2 Foolish Words
3 Ghosts
1 Lost in Free Domains
1 Muster Disperses
2 Marvels Told
1 Not at Home
1 Blue Mountain Dwarves
2 Gates of Morning
2 Promptings of Wisdom
1 The Old Thrush

Starting Company (1) at Rivendell:

  • Thorin controls Kili and Dori. Gloin controls Oin. Thorin and Oin have the Crams

Challenge Deck D (Rhadaghast)

Along with Beorn, Gimli and Legolas, an unlikely duo of Dwarf and Elf, carry out missions of diplomacy in the hostile territories north of Mordor. Potent combat abilities with some subtle attack avoidance characterize these heroes of Radagast. The hazards feature ranks of roguish Men.

Starting Company:
1 Beorn
1 Gimli
1 Halbarad
1 Legolas
1 Black Arrow
1 Cram
Other Characters:
1 Brand
1 Celeborn
1 Elrohir
1 Haldir
1 Hama
3 Radagast
1 Thranduil
1 Abductor
2 Alone and Unadvised
3 Ambusher
1 Assassin
1 Brigands
2 Corsairs of Umbar
3 Ghosts
3 Lawless Men
3 Rank upon Rank
2 Seized by Terror
3 Sellswords Between Charters
1 Stout Men of Gondor
1 Thrice Outnumbered
2 Tidings of Bold Spies
2 Twilight
1 And Forth He Hastened
1 Beornings
1 Bow of the Galadhrim
2 Dark Quarrels
1 Easterlings
2 Flatter a Foe
1 Forewarned Is Forearmed
1 Iron Hill Dwarves
2 Marvels Told
1 Men of Dorwinion
1 Muster
3 New Friendship
2 Noble Hound
3 Noble Steed
1 Orcrist
3 Risky Blow
1 Torque of Hues
2 Vanishment
1 Wood Elves
1 Beorns House
1 Buhr Widu
1 Dale
1 Dead Marshes
1 Easterling Camp
1 Edhellond
1 Gobel Mirlond
1 Iron Hill Dwarf Hold
1 Lorien
1 Moria
1 Raider Hold
1 Rhosgobel
1 Rivendell
1 Shrel Kain
1 Thranduils Halls
1 Corsairs of Umbar
1 Seized by Terror
1 Twilight
1 Horse Lords
1 Itangast Ahunt
1 Scorba Ahunt
1 Dark Quarrels
1 Forewarned Is Forearmed
1 Marvels Told
2 Gates of Morning
2 Glamour of Surpassing Excellance
1 Great Shield of Rohan
1 Men of Dale
2 Promptings of Wisdom
1 Wain Easterlings
1 Wizards Laughter

Challenge Deck E (Gandalf)

Gandalf sends Aragorn and Arwen into the lands along the Anduin River to find lost icons of Gondor. Their efforts also take the pair to Minas Tirith to be crowned King and Queen. The deck relies primarily on attack avoidance. The hazards contain a heavy mix of good general creatures.

Starting Company:
1 Annalena
1 Aragorn II
1 Arwen
1 Faramir
1 Elf Stone
1 Star glass
Other Heroes:
1 Beretar
1 Bergil
1 Boromir II
1 Forlong
1 Imrahil
1 Thranduil
3 Gandalf
2 Ambusher
3 Cave Worm
2 Cave Drake
1 Corsairs of Umbar
3 Ent in Search of the Entwives
1 Foolish Words
2 Ghosts
2 Lure of Expedience
2 Marsh Drake
1 Nothing to Eat or Drink
1 Power Built by Waiting
1 Pukel Men
2 Rain Drake
1 Searching Eye
2 Sellswords Between Charters
2 Tidings of Bold Spies
2 Twilight
3 Beautiful Gold Ring
3 Concealment
2 Dark Quarrels
2 Dodge
1 Glamdring
1 Hauberk of Bright Mail
2 Lesser Ring
1 Magic Ring of Stealth
2 Marvels Told
1 Narsil
2 Noble Steed
1 Quickbeam
1 Rangers of Ithilien
1 Return of the King
1 Smoke Rings
3 Stealth
1 Sword of Gondolin
1 Thorough Search
1 Tower Guard of Minas Tirith
1 Bandit Lair
1 Buhr Widu
1 Dead Marshes
1 Dol Amroth
1 Edhellond
1 Edoras
1 Gladden Fields
1 Haudh in Gwanur
1 Henneth Annun
1 Isengard
1 Lorien
1 Minas Tirith
1 Moria
1 Rivendell
1 Wellinghall
1 Corsairs of Umbar
1 Foolish Words
1 Ghosts
1 Nothing to Eat or Drink
1 Searching Eye
1 Twilight
1 Alone and Unadvised
1 Bairanax Ahunt
1 Incite Denizens
1 Muster Disperses
1 Sons of Kings
1 Dark Quarrels
1 Marvels Told
2 Gates of Morning
1 Knights of Dol Amroth
2 Promptings of Wisdom
1 Riders of Rohan

Starting Companies (2) at Rivendell:

  • Aragorn controls Arwen. Arwen starts with Star-glass.
  • Faramir controls Annalena. Faramir starts with Elf-stone.

Challenge Deck F (Adunaphel)

Adunaphel sends traitorous bands bent upon thievery and espionage into the untainted domains of the Free Peoples. Her inherent knowledge of these areas provides some cover, but her missions are extremely difficult to carry out. The hazards feature a potent offering of Drakes.

Starting Company:
1 Asternak
1 Ciryaher
1 Luitprand
1 Ostisen
1 Blazon of the Eye
1 Foul Smelling Paste
1 Eradan
1 Layos
2 Orc Captain
1 Perchen
3 Adunaphel the Ringwraith
1 Nevido Smod
2 An Unexpected Outpost
3 Cave Worm
3 Cave Drake
3 Doors of Night
2 From the Pits of Angband
3 Marsh Drake
1 Nameless Thing
2 Rain Drake
1 Searching Eye
3 Summons from Long Sleep
2 True Fire Drake
2 Twilight
3 Slayer
3 A Nice Place to Hide
1 Bade to Rule
1 By the Ringwraiths Word
2 Deeper Shadow
1 Join With That Power
3 Not Slay Needlessly
2 Orc Quarrels
1 Red Book of Westmarch
1 Ruse
2 Secrets of Their Forging
1 Stinker
2 Thats Been Heard Before Tonight
2 The Least of Gold Rings
2 To Satisfy the Questioner
1 Tokens to Show
1 Weigh All Things to a Nicety
1 Well Preserved
1 Dwarven Ring of Thrars Tribe
1 Dwarven Ring of Thelors Tribe
1 Woses of the Eryn Vorn
1 Bag End
1 Bandit Lair
1 Beorns House
1 Dimrill Dale
1 Eagles Eyrie
1 Edoras
1 Barad Dur
1 Carn Dum
1 Dol Guldur
1 Goblin Gate
1 Moria
1 The Worthy Hills
1 Thranduils Halls
3 Ambusher
1 Itangast Ahunt
2 Lure of Nature
1 Sand Drake
1 True Cold Drake
1 Crept Along Cleverly
1 Goblins of Goblin Gate
1 Orcs of Moria
2 Piercing All Shadows
1 Poisonous Despair
1 Regiment of Black Crows
1 Sudden Call
2 Voices of Malice

Starting Companies (2) at Do1 Guldur:

  • Ciryaher controls Ostisen. Ostisen starts with Foul-smelling Paste.
  • Asternak, Dogrib, Mionid and Luitprand form another company. Asternak controls Dogrib and starts with Blazon of the Eye

Challenge Deck G (Dwar)

Dwar’s deck sends Lieutenant of Morgul and a detachment of Orc warriors to Dragon country and to burn a couple Border-holds down. Dwar has unwavering faith in the philosophy of might, and seeks large factions of Orcs to serve his ends. The hazards use Doors of Night to unleash packs of Wolves.

Starting Company:
1 Lagduf
1 Lieutenant of Morgul
1 Muzgash
1 Radbug
1 Tros Hesnef
2 Foul Smelling Paste
3 Dwar the Ringwraith
1 Orc Captain
2 Orc Veteran
1 Shagrat
1 Burat
1 Tuma
1 Wuluag
2 Ambusher
2 An Unexpected Outpost
3 Dire Wolves
3 Doors of Night
2 Full of Froth and Rage
3 Giant Spiders
1 Searching Eye
1 Stay Her Appetite
2 Twilight
3 Wake of War
3 Watcher in the Water
3 Wargs
2 Wolves
1 Bade to Rule
3 Black Mace
3 Bold Thrust
2 Burning Rick Cot and Tree
3 Crept Along Cleverly
1 Diversion
1 Gleaming Gold Ring
1 Grey Mountain Goblins
1 High Helm
1 Ill Report You
1 Ice Orcs
1 Orcs of Gundabad
2 Regiment of Black Crows
1 Swarm of Bats
3 Swift Strokes
1 The Arkenstone
3 Under His Blow
1 Thrors Map
1 Dancing Spire
1 Gold Hill
1 Gondmaeglom
1 Irerock
1 Mount Gundabad
1 The Lonely Mountain
1 Carn Dum
1 Caves of Ulund
1 Dale
1 Dol Guldur
1 Minas Morgul
1 Moria
1 Raider Hold
1 Twilight
2 Foolish Words
2 Nameless Thing
2 Rebel Talk
1 Stench of Mordor
1 Earcaraxe Ahunt
1 Regiment of Black Crows
1 Minor Ring
1 Orc Quarrels
1 Orcs of Moria
2 Piercing All Shadows
1 Sable Shield
1 Sudden Call
2 Voices of Malice
1 Orders from Lugburz

Starting Company (1) at Dol Guldur

  • Lieutenant of Morgul, Muzgash, Lagduf, Radbug, and Tros Hesnef form the starting company. The Lieutenant controls Muzgash and Lagduf. Lagduf and Radbug each start with Foul-smelling Paste.

Challenge Deck H (Hoarmurath)

Hoarmurath directs a band of Morgul scouts into the frings Shadow areas of the Misty Mountains to steal technologies and win over independent Orc tribes. His minions rely on stealth and minimal movement in the open, through they can fight in a pinch. The hazards are solid Undead.

Starting Company:
1 Ill Favoured Fellow
1 Gorbag
1 Lugdush
1 Ufthak
1 Grishnakh
1 Blazon of the Eye
1 Strange Rations
2 Ill Favoured Fellow
2 Orc Tracker
3 Sly Southerner
3 Hoarmurath the Ringwraith
2 An Unexpected Outpost
3 Chill Douser
1 Choking Shadows
3 Doors of Night
1 Exhalation of Decay
3 Ghouls
3 Plague of Wights
1 Power Built by Waiting
3 Stirring Bones
3 The Moon Is Dead
2 Twilight
3 Wisp of Pale Sheen
2 Barrow Wight
3 A Nice Place to Hide
1 Bade to Rule
3 Blasting Fire
2 Crept Along Cleverly
1 Great Lord of Goblin Gate
1 High Helm
2 Orc Quarrels
1 Orcs of Moria
3 Records Unread
1 Sable Shield
1 Scroll of Isildur
2 Snaga Hai
1 Sneakin
1 Stinker
1 The Arkenstone
3 Vile Fumes
3 War Wolf
1 Dead Marshes
1 Mount Doom
1 Mount Gram
1 Mount Gundabad
1 Sarn Goriwing
1 Shelobs Lair
1 Barad Dur
1 Carn Dum
1 Caves of Ulund
1 Dol Guldur
1 Goblin Gate
1 Minas Morgul
1 Moria
1 Twilight
3 Ambusher
2 Foolish Words
2 Ghosts
1 Stench of Mordor
1 Crept Along Cleverly
1 Orc Quarrels
2 Black Mace
1 Fell Rider
1 Orcs of Gundabad
2 Piercing All Shadows
1 Sudden Call
2 Voices of Malice

Starting Companies (2) at Do1 Guldur

  • Gorbag, Grishnakh, Ufthak, and Lugdush form the main company. Gorbag controls Grishnakh and starts with Blazon of the Eye. Ufthak starts with Strange Rations.
  • Ill-favoured Fellow starts by himself at Do1 Guldur and waits for more characters to join his company.

Challenge Deck I (Witch King)

The Witch-king’s mission is to solidify Sauron’s forces in Mordor. His minions do best when not moving- from the safety of this evil domain. They have very little to help them tactically, but in Mordor they should not need much. The hazards can create a devastating environment of roadblock.

Starting Company:
1 Orc Brawler
1 Orc Captain
1 Horseman in the Night
1 Ill Favoured Fellow
1 Orc Veteran
2 Blazon of the Eye
Other Characters:
2 Orc Brawler
1 Orc Captain
3 Orc Tracker
3 The Witch King
2 Ambusher
3 An Unexpected Outpost
3 Doors of Night
2 Ghosts
3 Long Winter
3 Lure of Nature
3 Rain Drake
1 Snowstorm
3 True Fire Drake
2 Twilight
3 Withered Lands
2 Slayer
1 Asdriags
2 Awaiting the Call
3 Blasting Fire
2 Fell Rider
2 Gifts as Given of Old
3 Great Bats
1 Helm of Fear
1 Orcs of the Ash Mountains
1 Records Unread
3 That Aint No Secret
1 Under His Blow
1 Uruk Hai
3 Vile Fumes
2 Voices of Malice
1 Weigh All Things to a Nicety
1 Nurniags
1 Orcs of Udun
1 Palantir of Minas Tirith
1 Dead Marshes
1 Minas Tirith
1 Mount Doom
1 Sarn Goriwing
1 Shelobs Lair
1 Barad Dur
1 Carn Dum
1 Cirith Gorgor
1 Cirith Ungol
1 Dol Guldur
1 Minas Morgul
1 Moria
1 Nurniag Camp
1 Ghosts
1 Twilight
1 Alone and Unadvised
2 Corsairs of Umbar
1 Cruel Caradhras
2 Foul Fumes
2 Nameless Thing
1 Scatha Ahunt
1 Stench of Mordor
1 Earcaraxe Ahunt
1 Voices of Malice
2 Above the Abyss
1 Black Trolls
1 Crept Along Cleverly
1 Last Child of Ungoliant
1 Sudden Call

Starting Companies (3) at Minas Morgul:

  • One Orc Captain controls Ill-favoured Fellow. This company travels to Mount Doom to sit for most of the game.
  • Horseman in the Night controls Orc Veteran. Horseman in the Night starts with Blazon of the Eye. This company travels to Nurniag Camp to sit for most of the game.
  • The other Orc Captain and Orc Brawler form the third company. This Orc Captain starts with Blazon of the Eye, and the company travels to Cirith Gorgor to sit for most of the game

Challenge Deck J (Indur)

Go to Eagles’ Eyrie once you get Smoke in the Wind. Go to the Borderholds when you have Burning Rick, Cot, and Tree. Go to the faction sites when you have neither. Break things. Get points. Win games.

Starting Company:
1 Hador
1 Horseman in the Night
1 Odoacer
1 The Mouth
1 Blazon of the Eye
1 Strange Rations
3 Ill Favoured Fellow
1 Jerrek
3 Orc Captain
3 Indur the Ringwraith
1 Nevido Smod
3 Alone and Unadvised
2 Cave Worm
3 Corpse Candle
1 Covetous Thoughts
2 Dragon Sickness
2 Ghosts
3 Lure of Expedience
3 Lure of Nature
3 Lure of the Senses
2 Marsh Drake
1 Sellswords Between Charters
2 Twilight
1 Weariness of the Heart
2 Slayer
1 Bade to Rule
3 Bold Thrust
1 By the Ringwraiths Word
2 Crept Along Cleverly
1 Crooked Promptings
1 High Helm
3 Orc Quarrels
1 Ready to His Will
1 Scroll of Isildur
3 Secret Book
1 Southrons
1 Stinker
1 The Arkenstone
3 The Tormented Earth
1 Voices of Malice
1 Balchoth
1 Corsairs of Rhun
1 Easterlings
1 Haradrim
1 Palantír of Orthanc
1 Wain Easterlings
1 Gondmaeglom
1 Isengard
1 Mount Gundabad
1 Southron Oasis
1 The Wind Throne
1 Barad dur
1 Caves of Ulund
1 Dol Guldur
1 Easterling Camp
1 Goblin Gate
1 Minas Morgul
1 Moria
1 Raider Hold
1 Covetous Thoughts
1 Twilight
2 Lost in Free Domains
2 River
1 Crept Along Cleverly
2 Voices of Malice
1 Great Bats
1 Grey Mountain Goblins
1 Hold Rebuilt and Repaired
1 Orcs of Gundabad
1 Piercing All Shadows
1 Poisonous Despair
1 Regiment of Black Crows
2 Skies of Fire
1 Sudden Call
1 Focus Palantir

Starting Company (1) at Dol Guldur:

  • Shagrat with Orders from Lugburz, Lieutenant of Angmar, Orc Veteran and Troll Lout with Foul- smelling Paste. Shagrat controls Orc Veteran and the Lieutenant controls Troll Lout