Linux & Unix
Linux & Unix
Tools, scripts, add-ons and packages
Useful Things
- how to airprint to incompatibile printer using CUPS
BC Extensions
- useful extensions for the unix calculator utility
BSD Installation Notes
- some notes for installing / maintaining FreeBSD
Easy Colors for Scripts
- how to make adding colors to your bash scripts easy
Debian Installation Notes
- quick guide for setting up new Debian server
Install Firewall
- install and configure a basic software firewall
Git Workflow
- basic git cheat sheet
GPG Cheat Sheet
- cheat sheet for gpg commands
System Information
- check systems specs and other information
Latex Makefile
- quick reference chart for hiring Frostgrave soldiers
Latexmk RC File
- my latexmk.rc config file
Make a File
- how to make a dummy file of a specific size
Makefile for Web Projects
- my standard Makefile for web projects
MC Cheat Sheet
- useful Midnight Commander shortcuts
What is My IP
- how to find your local ip
Using Pine
- some Pine email client shortcuts
Public HTML
- how to enable public_html personal web pages
File Copy Progress Bar
- how to copy files with progress bar
CLI Python Tools
- command line python tricks
Raspberry Pi MOTD
- a script to generate cool raspberry shaped ASCI art
Solarize Everything
- how to apply the solarized theme to all the things
Set Up SSH Key Access
- easy way to set up ssh key access
Using Stow
- how to use stow to manage compiled programs
Enable Sudo
- how to enable sudo on systems that don't have it
Tailscale on Qnap
- fix common tailscale QNAP issue
Fix WSL DNS with TailScale
- fix for common wsl+tailscale dns issue
SSH Tunneling
- quick scripts to set up and use an ssh tunnel
Minimal Vimrc
- my minimal useble .vimrc for servers
What is My IP
- how to find your routable ip on cli
Neovim Config
- my current Neovim setup
Old Bash Scripts
- random assortment of bash scripts.
Old Dotfiles
- repository of old dotfiles.
Old Vim Config
- my old Vim setup.