Here are some pictures of my Haemonculi Coven army. The paint scheme is basically flesh, bone and metal. This fully painted army weighs in at around 1000 points.
Standard wracks, no conversions.
Since Games Workshop refuses to sell Grotesque models, I had to shop around for 3rd party sculpts. These are made by Artel W Miniatures.
Second unit of Grotesques, also from Artel W Miniatures. These are armed with large blades.
My Haemonculi Warmaster:
Second Haemonculi, also from Artel W Miniatures. This one counts as Uriel Rakarth.
This one carries my large Wrack unit:
The second Raider carries the Grotesques. The large passenger was kitbashed from Age of Sigmar Storm Vermin and Talos bits:
Second unit of Wracks, mounted in a Venom:
Rounding out the roster are my Scourges.